Friday morning three Stefans from the BlinkenLED Forum came to visit us and they put up their BlinkenLED hardware. At the right photo you can see Stephan K. and Stefan P.
Stefan Krupop told us to the BlinkenLED history, that all started at the jaLCDs-Forum with blinking keyboard LEDs. Then someone dropped the keyword "BlinkenLights".[ german thread]. After some consideration they decided to use a shift register and so
BlinkenLEDs was born.
But actually he didn`t like the player and someone wanted to have a spectrum analyzer, so Stefan began to work on that [ thread, only german] and the outcome was the BPE [BlinkenPlayerExxtreme]. He came to the camp because he wanted to see the people from the board and from diverse websites in real life and eventually to improve the BPE Together with the two other Stefans he decided to come to Berlin, to bring with the new BPE and to show the moving screen on several BL's.
There where actually no bigger problems while constructing the BL's. They finished Stefan P.'s "live" at the Camp.
All of them really liked it a lot. In future Stefan K. plans to improve the BPE.
Unfortunately they only had a one-day-ticket and so they had to leave in the evening.
But before we took the chance to shoot a photo of the BlinkenTeam (only Spheara and the guys from BlinkenBoard are missing). And we still could convince them to see the hacker jeopardy, because this is a thing you shouldn´t miss :-) |
The BlinkenTeam:
Last row: |
Stefan P., Stefan K., Stefan L. [BlinkenLEDs Forum] and 1stein [Blinken-,ArcadeMini] |
Middle: |
Dauti [ISDN], Renè [Condor, Blinky], STephan [LittleLights] and Kai [XmasLights, RotArcade] |
Front: |
Ina [Blinkström] and Kathe [photos and documentation] |
as well: |
[BlinkenMini, ArcadeMini]
...because she liked to roam around in the camp and met a lot of people, we couldn`t find her in time.
The guys from Blinkenboard were not around, too. But Dirk and Towi are shown on the next pictures :-) |
The Blinkenboard people put up their hardware in the BlinkenArea pavilions. Now we were 15 people and 10 projects. Towi and Dirk were wondering about a strange failure. They let all LEDs shine at once, but one wasn`t working. But this LED was not broken, because when they tried it a second time, it worked well. It seemed to be a problem with the board, so they were soldering and working on it quite a time.
At the end it was almost working correctly. Here are some pictures made when it was dark.
1stein and Sphaera had put up their ArcadeMini, here a cube animation by night.
Renè had installed his Z80 development board, named "Blinky". In the afternoon STephan had ask the NOC, how to get an name for our camp-IP. Our blccc webserver could be reached now via and the blinkserv at |
There is Blinky right next to the monitor -->
The camera team of the CCC came along as well and made an interview with Kai and STephan. They wanted to such things like:
How did you got the idea of making a blinken project?
How many different kinds of blinken projects are existing?
How much money did you spend?
Then this day went also slowly to end.